Tuesday, August 27, 2002

Humor of Parenting

Kids still crack me up after 17 years of parenting. Last night my 8-year-old youngest child (by 27 minutes), Matthew, was the driving force behind getting me a DVD player for my birthday. He paid much of it with his savings, and made sure I knew by adding a letter to the box:

Dear Dad,

I hope you like your DVD player. It cost 90 dollars.

Of course, he was probably thinking more of DVD's he could watch, but it was still amazingly generous. Keep in mind that the money he had was in savings from birthday/Christmas gifts from grandparents, so it was very abstract--he had never actually handled the cash. Contrast that with the physically tangible bag of M&M's he gave me last night. He came up to me at dinner today and said this:

"Dad, remember those M&M's I gave you last night? Well, I put them on your desk, but when I went downstairs today I couldn't help myself and I ate them all."

I couldn't stop laughing. Perhaps we shall have to purchase another bag and watch a DVD together...

Monday, August 26, 2002

Ego Boost

I hit 42 today. Two girls at work guessed that I was 31, but they think that's old anyway. I like 42. I'm not too sure about 50, but 42 seems just right. I have much to be thankful for, from a gracious Savior to a loving wife and five healthy kids, friends and relatives. Life at 42 is good!